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  REMOTEVIEWING Spirituele Gadgets Paranormaal!

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  REMOTEVIEWING Spirituele Gadgets Paranormaal!
Dit is een ander zeer professioneel thuisstudiepakket. De prijs is omgerekend van dollars naar euro´s. Het pakket wordt vanuit de VS naar je opgestuurd. Zie de bestellink onderaan deze pagina.

Het programma is engelstalig (en afkomstig uit de VS). Door iedereen te leren. Geinteresseerd?  Het Remote Influencingpakket kost 277 dollar (€ 191).
Dit programma kan ook gecombineerd worden met "Neurofeedback" (om nog sneller resultaat te verkrijgen).   

N.B. de originele cd's kunnen niet gekopieerd worden. De speciale werking waarbij gewerkt wordt met zeer hoge frequenties gaat dan verloren. 

Become A Master At Powerfully
Influencing (Manifesting) Your Reality
And Have The Life You Desire And Deserve

The Advanced Manifestation System
The Training System openly reveals the jealously guarded core secrets of old mystery schools, stripped of superfluous rituals, and blends them with the latest advances in mind research, quantum physics, and neurobiology, into a comprehensive course. In it you will be given the knowledge and will experience the ancient key of “One” finally made manifest, so that you can enter the “inner Kingdom” where you can crystallize any dream into reality.  These manifestation techniques are effortlessly learned and integrated just by listening to these CD’s. 

This revolutionary training system was the first to train students to enter the Delta State rapidly and remain fully conscious in that state of mind. This allows you to deeply influence thought and reality. What was once only achieved after a lifetime of training by advanced Yoga and Zen masters, can now be easily attained by you with our Training System
The system guides you through healing and empowering techniques to access incredibly high levels of Creative energy to manifest your desires based upon your thoughts. These powerful methods teach you to rediscover your wonderful powers within and learn how to use them to influence your reality to be surrounded by serenity, prosperity, health, and happiness. Your creative potential is unlocked, freed from negative trappings of your past, freed from limiting perceptions of your reality, and freed from the fear – based confines of mass-consciousness; your creative energy is activated by understanding your real nature and reconnecting to your Higher Self; and your creative power is amplified by accessing powerful inner realms previously available only to mystery school scholars.

This original and unique technology powerfully allows you to most influence thoughts and consensual reality by mind-power and inner energy alone.

This Easily Applied Body of Powerful Creative Methods Will Bring You To A State Where You Can...

  • Swiftly learn to enter a deep meditative state of mind usually reserved for sleep and remain aware in it like a Zen or Yogi master, then access the quantum soup of all future probabilities and choose the ones you really desire to improve all facets of your life
  • Learn to remain in the calm and peaceful “eye” of present and future life hurricanes, no matter how strong the swirling storm around you
  • Keep yourself energized and young at heart, mind, and body
  • Help heal yourself and others of physical, mental, and spiritual wounds and ills
  • Program yourself to exude charismatic happiness, harmony, and passion in your life
  • Know that you are always “protected” and project a contagious positive attitude
  • Improve your financial situation and work and personal relationships
  • Easily make your dreams come true
  • Be limited only by your imagination …

No Prior Training Is Needed

The  techniques taught by the   are unique in that they teach you the easily attainable state of mind focused upon the level of the Universal Mind (undifferentiated knowing).

The  Course teaches you how to access levels of your deep unconscious vibratory self (Delta level of Mind: usual deep sleep, and beyond), while remaining in a conscious full aware awake state, that then allows you to easily mold reality to your highest and best wishes. You will basically be able to have "the matrix reloaded" to your desires.

Course Contents

14 Audio Discs Total

Audio Book and eBook 3 CDs and 10 traningcd´s

Complete Course Contents and Samples

ri_smallRI Disc 1

Brain-waves Entrainment

Track 1 Theta Brain Entrainment

Track 2 Delta Brain Entrainment (39:53)

Teaches you to command your brain to rapidly enter deep levels of mind with Alpha, Theta, and Delta brainwaves. Although this disc may appear to be a repetition of ocean waves, it actually is a specific changing sequence of sound patterns waved within each wave to help you open up to the material in the RI and RV courses.

You may listen to RI Disc 1 while meditating, reading the RI or RV eBooks, relaxing with eyes opened or closed, or even during the night while sleeping. The Delta track can be used as a powerful sleeping aid. You can even use it successfully with toddlers. The Theta track can be listened to if you feel the need to deeply relax.

ri_smallri_smallri_smallRI Discs 2, 3, and 4

Secrets Revealed Audio Book and eBook PDF File

This book explains the basic mechanisms involved  and its modus operandi. The RI book details the principles of thought manifestation and many concepts that offer a perspective of the world that surrounds you.

ri_smallRI Disc 5

RI Training Session 1 (77:00)

Brain entrainment that rewires your brain circuitry so that it multi-processes information bilaterally and multi-dimensionally. Increases dramatically your brain’s processing ability (intelligence), scope of information gathering, and sensitivity to data acquisition.

ri_smallRI Disc 6

RI Training Session 2

• Deprograms and cleanses past memories.
• Experience the Great Void

ri_smallRI Disc 7

RI Training Session 3 (67:00)

• Explores the levels of the mind with full consciousness: Alpha, Theta, and Delta
• Create the flame of Eternal Joy within your heart.

• Reconnect to the Womb – The Source

ri_smallRI Disc 8

RI Training Session 4

• Experience Delta, your center of energy, and the silvery cord
• Reprogram your DNA and healing rejuvenation
• Reprogram yourself into a new being : healthy and strong physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually
• Learn principles of manifestations and increase inner vibrations
• Experience Joy, overcome fear-vibrations of mass-consciousness
• Use flowers and nature’s portal to the non-physical quantum level
• Liberate yourself from mind bondage

ri_smallRI Disc 9

RI Training Session 5

• Reach deep Delta and experience other mental states in the process
• Cultivate your inner smile
• Learn lucid dreaming and manifesting from that level
• Use deep Delta as a Stargate to higher levels

ri_smallRI Disc 10

RI Training Session 6

• Go through "the portal" and enter the High Mind
• Experience the Light and manifest from this level and higher ones
• Recognize and listen to the little voice within
• Learn healing techniques
• Explore multi-faceted High levels of vibration of your deep Higher Self

ri_smallRI Disc 11

RI Training Session 7

• Remote Influence from Beta
• Create your body of Light, your Diamond Self, and manifest from this level
• Erase addictions and unwanted habits
• Mold new physical, mental, and emotional bodies
• Learn powerful rules for Remote Influencing reality and others
• Create a protective vibratory shield against energy and thought intrusions

ri_smallRI Disc 12

RI Training Session 8

• Recreate and climb the ladder of Creation and manifest from that level
• Experience the inner Sun
• Create and reinforce the Golden Shield of protection

ri_smallRI Disc 13

RI Training Session 9

• Create from the Gap
• Connect to the Great Mother
• Become an Eternal Flame of the One
• Experience the Great Awakening

ri_smallRI Disc 14

RI Training Session 10

• Come home to the One
• Merge and unite with the Universe
• Use the portal of nature and old trees to be both here and above this matrix
• Heal yourself and the Womb of Life
• Rebirth into the Eternal Light
• Experience the core pulse of our Creation
• You are a co-Creator

With This System You’ll Learn...

remote viewing and remote influencing: how the Matrix can be reloaded The Course  teaches you how How to access levels of your deep unconscious vibratory self (Delta level of Mind: usual deep sleep, and beyond), while remaining in a conscious full aware awake state, that then allows you to easily mold reality to your highest and best wishes.

remote viewing and remote influencing: how the Matrix can be reloaded You are taught how to access incredibly high levels of Creative energy that allow for the rapid manifestation of desires based upon your thoughts.

remote viewing and remote influencing: how the Matrix can be reloaded  You are taught the real Rules and Laws of co-Creation.

remote viewing and remote influencing: how the Matrix can be reloaded You learn to build a highly vibratory and impregnable self-defense shield of protection around yourself that will keep you safe from the undesirable thoughts and influences of others and remain unaffected by the vibrations and thoughts of mass consciousness movements.

remote viewing and remote influencing: how the Matrix can be reloaded You are taught why fearsome and stressful situations  keep your vibrations down and enslave you in a non-aware state. You learn how to rise above the old consciousness operating system and let go of its grip and influence. You are then totally protected and become aware of it.

remote viewing and remote influencing: how the Matrix can be reloaded You are given an essential, and up-to-now secret key, which has been missing from most creative positive visualization programs, causing them to operate haphazardly and ineffectively.

remote viewing and remote influencing: how the Matrix can be reloaded You learn to deprogram yourself easily from past fear/conditioning, including that which has been inherited through your social/genetic background. You experience great and profound healing of old known or hidden emotional and soul scars. You regain the constant vigor and exciting trepidation of youth.

remote viewing and remote influencing: how the Matrix can be reloaded You are gifted back the key to your own inner guidance system that will always steer you towards better-chosen realities.

remote viewing and remote influencing: how the Matrix can be reloaded You learn how to activate special centers in your brain that will cleanse your thought processes, and /or energize your desired manifestations. Other centers are activated that are used to enter the realm of physical anesthesia, or even parallel realms of light/creation.

remote viewing and remote influencing: how the Matrix can be reloaded You learn to powerfully remote influence (not control) the thoughts of others for your mutual benefit and mankind's.

remote viewing and remote influencing: how the Matrix can be reloaded You learn to heal many Physical, mental, or spiritual dysfunctions by vibrating your being to higher quanta of vibratory energy and hence activate higher DNA programs dormant within the  misunderstood so-called junk DNA (constituting for now 90% of your DNA). Your biology can then become automatically reprogrammed from the subconscious. This has a profound impact on your biology (healing, well-being, rejuvenation, and longevity), you mind's intelligence will seem to soar as equivalent dormant sections of your brain (constituting for now 90 % of your brain) are activated, and your spirit/Higher Self then operates at a higher orbital Light quantum of superior and more refined Life Energy. Nothing in nature is Created as "junk" - neither in the DNA life computer or in your brain.  The mere fact that we still do not understand something does not make it a redundant "junk" area. All you need is the "key" to the activation of these dormant areas and we provide you with the "code" to activate it, for the key is WITHIN you. Then you will have access to new and more evolved information that can then be easily downloaded, i.e. inspired, to you.  

remote viewing and remote influencing: how the Matrix can be reloaded You learn how to use the high vibratory rate of human reproductive activity to program for super-offspring who will be able to change our world for the better and are dearly needed in this transitory age. You will be able to magnificently improve their DNA makeup by understanding hidden laws within the thought/DNA relationship. You are given vibratory codes to automatically activate new Light strands of DNA  

remote viewing and remote influencing: how the Matrix can be reloaded You are taught to raise the vibratory rate of your consciousness, the consciousness of the individuals with whom you interact, and eventually the whole of Mankind, thru projecting pure joy and playfulness. Fear and its lower dark vibrations then have neither hold nor power over you.

remote viewing and remote influencing: how the Matrix can be reloaded You learn to understand the reality of sleep, and how sleep can powerfully be used in order to program, create, and influence your reality and others'.

remote viewing and remote influencing: how the Matrix can be reloaded You also learn to use the power of lucid dreaming in order to manifest realities in the "awake state."

remote viewing and remote influencing: how the Matrix can be reloaded You are taught how to raise the vibrations of your loved ones and eventually of this magnificent planet, so that aggression, neglect and misused power will not find sympathetic resonant recipients.

Het pakket is direct via Neuromanagement bij de distributeur te bestellen. Nergens goedkoper. Als u via Neuromanagement bestelt, via de onderstaande link, wordt een deel van de opbrengst aan Unicef geschonken. Druk op de onderstaande link>

Prijs per stuk:
€ 191,00
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