Personal Biofeedback you can use at home (149,50 euro zonder de mindgames/ software)
The ThoughtStream is the world's first complete personal biofeedback training system. Biofeedback allows you to see, feel or hear mind/body processes that we normally aren't consciously aware of or able to voluntarily control. It has long been accepted as one of the most effective tools available for stress control and other personal growth benefits. In the past, biofeedback was something only available by visiting a professional with hourly rates or by purchasing very expensive clinical models. The ThoughtStream is a galvonic skin response (GSR) biofeedback training system that you can use at home.
The stress we experience at home and at work has a large impact on our well-being, but our normal methods of responding to stressful events are habits that can be changed after we become more aware of them. Learning to fully relax while under pressure can have a profoundly beneficial influence on all aspects of life. The Thoughtstream can give you a new level of self-understanding when your responses are seen or heard as they happen.
The ThoughtStreamT is designed for travel: lightweight, attractive, with a unique palm-of-the-hand sensor. A handsome carrying case, headphones, manual, Mental Games software and everything else that you need to get started is included
How it works
Biofeedback allows you to see, feel or hear mind/body processes that we normally aren't consciously aware of or able to voluntarily control. The ThoughtStream uses a galvonic skin response (GSR) sensor worn on the palm of your hand to record information about your physiological processes. Tiny changes in your skin resistance values are processed from the sensor multiple times per second. These measurements of your mood, emotional responses and mental state are then fed back to you through sound, console display, or computer software.
Here is a typical session example:
Stay still and relax while wearing the sensor - use the headphones if you'd also like sound feedback. Keep the ThoughtStream console display within sight. After a few minutes pass, you might begin to notice the display lights making occasional movements into red, followed by a slowly moving shift back above orange. The time that these color shifts occur make it easy for you to become aware of patterns of thought and feeling that may be causing you stress. The same method is used for training yourself to have more positive responses.
The effect that these unconscious patterns have on us no longer have the same control over how we feel when we become aware of them. Much of the stress that we feel every day is only the pressure we feel when these negative emotional patterns are outside of our awareness. The pressure is reduced after it is known, then released because we can now respond to it consciously.
Mental Games turns the whole process into a fun game! The games are played by controlling what's happening on the screen with your mind and body.
Mental Games:
Peak Performance Psychointeractive Multimedia Software
The training modules of Mental Games 'sense' how focused or relaxed you are and will vary their response according to your internal state. By using this combination of multimedia technology and biofeedback, you enter a new dimension of self-mastery.You may soon notice that you are more relaxed in your everyday life, being present and focused without "burning out." You will learn different strategies of interaction - your own strategies - preserving and developing your valuable inner resources.
Two sets of levels are included with Mental Games. Level one is Psychophysiological, and level two is Sensomotoric. Level one is a group of conventional biofeedback exercises. Here you can move objects on the screen as you learn to relax your body and focus your mind. Level two consists of a number of independent modules designed to actively train your responses. |

Learn to mentally control the direction and the speed of rotation of several objects. |
Music Plot

Use biofeedback to create music. The music will change as you focus and relax. |
Net Games

Download new modules/games off of the internet. |

Scores for levels your progress is saved. Four progress parameters can be displayed. Max Relax, Max Stress, Average GSR and Average Relax. |